Monday, December 22, 2014

Texas Christmas Tree Farms

My fascination with Christmas Trees and this blog focusing on Texas Trees lead me to this.

There is a website dedicated to Texas Christmas Trees. I love this! 
Texas Christmas Trees

They provide the history of the Christmas Tree:

The history is not nearly the long winded explanation giving on something like Wikipedia, but more like a Cliff's Notes. It covers the "beginnings" of the Christmas Tree and Christmas Trees in the US.

How to Care for your Christmas Tree:

Including tips on watering and fire prevention.

How Texas Christmas Trees are grown:

How much land is needed to grow them?
How long does it take to grow them?
What kinds of trees are grown in Texas?
When are new trees planted?
What kind of equipment do growers use?
How much time does it take to maintain a farm?

Environmental Advantages of Christmas Trees:

And finally there are lists and links to ALL the Christmas Tree farms in Texas. And Holy Cow!

Texas Christmas Tree Farms

The list goes on and on for tree farms in Texas.

With all this said, it's no wonder Meditrend makes an Allergy Immunotherapy called Texas Trees.
Allergena Texas Trees

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cedar Causes Allergies to Compound in Texas

As if your allergies weren't bad enough, Mountain Cedar unleashes before Juniper dies down.

A helpful article written in the Fort Worth Star Telegram about Allergies in DFW, discusses the compounding effects of fall allergens that are supposed to be over by now mixing with allergens released in the colder winter months. Due to the unexpected cooling and warming trends that the holiday season has brought this year allergy sufferers are getting a double whammy. 

Mountain Cedar pollen, which doesn't usually appear until early January, was released as early as October with an early series of cold and wet weather. This mixed with the Redberry Juniper which is in full bloom even though it is supposed to be subsiding by now. 

Mountain Cedar Pollen

Microscopic image from
Juniper and Cedar Pollen are similar in appearance:

juniper pollen image
Image from City of Albuquerque 
Some things to keep in mind:  
  • Dry, windy days stir pollen into the air. 
  • The day after a wet, rainy day, more pollen is released than normal
  • Pollen sticks to your hair, skin and clothes. Consider showering in the morning and evening, and allow for two changes of clothes.
Consider some Allergy Immunotherapy. You don't need shots any more, now there is a Sublingual (under the tongue) drops. 

Click Now to find out what region is best for you! 

Get your allergies under control!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Red Cedar - What is Cedar Fever?


Eastern Red Cedar, aka Red Cedar; Eastern Juniper; Red Juniper; Pencil Cedar; Aromatic Cedar; Call it whichever you wish, symptoms from this allergic reaction feel like a fever.

This beautiful tree, used often as a Christmas tree, is a terrible culprit of Cedar Fever.  Symptoms may include sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing, irritated eyes and low-grade fever. Often the you seek a remedy that reduces these symptoms but they do not reduce your allergy to Cedar. 

Allergena - Texas Trees

Allergena - Texas Trees for kids

is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. Our homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. 

 Allergena Texas Trees

Try Allergena, offering Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy in Zone 5 (Texas and Oklahoma.) Survive the holiday season without the use of heavy antihistamines and cold medications.