Sunday, June 28, 2015

Allergic Rhinitis

What is allergic rhinitis? 

Allergic rhinitis are allergies. Rhinitis is defined as "an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose."  It is sometimes referred to as hay fever and happens when your immune systems reacts to pollens in the air that you breathe. This creates an allergic response. This causes sneezing, runny nose and congestion. You may have these symptoms all year or just certain seasons.  Occasionally, allergies and their symptoms affect you less over time.  More commonly, their severity gets worse as time passes. So how can you tell if you have allergic rhinitis?
  • Sneezing. Frequent and repetitive sneezing, especially when you first wake up.
  • Runny Nose. Clear, thin and constant drainage signals allergic rhinitis. (If the drainage is thick, yellow or cloudy this is a sign of a cold or infection.)
  • Irritated Eyes. Watery and itchy eyes.
  • Irritated Mucous Membranes. Irritated and itchy ears, mouth and nose all indicate allergic rhinitis.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

Pollens from grass, weeds, trees and animal dander are most common and well known. Just as common, but lesser known, are allergies to dust mites, cockroaches, mold, cereal grain, wood dust and certain chemicals. If you are showing symptoms only certain times of the year- seasonally, then the most common culprits are pollens and molds. However, if your symptoms are year round, dust mites and indoor allergens are what is causing your allergic rhinitis symptoms. Having your doctor administer a skin allergy test is the most accurate way to determine which one is causing your symptoms. This involves putting a small amount of a particular allergen on your skin to see what reaction your body produces.  Your immune system will over-react to things your body is allergic to by developing a rash or hives.
Once you know for certain what your body is allergic to, you can proactively lessen your symptoms with certain products specially formulated for that particular allergen.  Products such as Allergena Natural Allergy Relief, not only help to ease allergic rhinitis symptoms, but assist in helping your body's immune system heal.  This encourages our body to heal itself so your symptoms lessen naturally over time.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Pet allergies. If you have them, you know it's nothing to sneeze at, so what is it that we're allergic to and why?

Animals have become cherished additions to our families. We love them like children, and in most cases they love us just as much, if not more, in return. Not everyone experiences pet allergies. Unfortunately, some of us experience mild to severe allergies from these loved ones. Some people have little to no allergy symptoms around cats and dogs, some are allergic to only cats, while others can't even have a pet because of severe allergic reactions. Up to 10% of the population in the United States is allergic to pet allergens- dander. Blame genetics. Pet allergies often runs in families. People with pet allergies tend to have a higher incidence of sensitivity to dander when their parents have pet allergies. Similarly, if you have a pet allergy, the chance of passing this allergy to your children is far more likely. Children with both parents allergic to pets are up to 80% more likely to have a pet allergy themselves.

Most people mistakenly believe that their pet allergy is caused by pet hair. This is not the case. We're actually allergic to pet dander. But what is dander? Dander is microscopic flakes of animal skin that travels through the air and lands on our skin, in our eyes, mouths and in our noses creating an allergic reaction. It is not so much that we're allergic to these microscopic skin flakes as we are allergic to what's IN these skin flakes (dander). Dander is composed of urine-derived proteins which is secreted from an animal's skin glands. These proteins, in addition to saliva proteins on dander from grooming, is where the bulk of our allergies comes from. So even though your pet may groom and lick his fur, it's the protein and saliva on the DANDER that remains the major source of pet allergens.

We all love our pets and I believe most of us have just learned to accept the symptoms. It's important to know that with continued, untreated exposure, your pet allergies may silently trigger worsening asthma, allergic sinusitis or allergic rhinitis. While it's not very realistic to buy a hypo-allergenic pet (hypoallergenic cats actually do exist!), you can take a daily remedy to lessen your pet allergies such as Allergena Pet Dander. It works great and is safe to use daily. We do so much to show our pets we love them, why not do something for ourselves to ensure we're loving them without the misery of pet allergies?

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Homeopathy is gaining much recognition and popularity, so what are the benefits?

"Homeopathy is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health."

Homeopathy, Allergies and SLIT

Homeopathy treats allergies in the body regardless of the specific cause.  This is a great thing for people who suffer from more than one allergy or ailment. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) treatments through homeopathy offer relief for a variety of allergies, ailments and their symptoms. Sublingual immunotherapy is an alternative and effective way to treat specific allergies given as a few drops of liquid or dissolvable tablet placed under the tongue. The specific allergen is given to boost tolerance to the allergy and reduce symptoms. Homeopathy and Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) used to treat different ailments and allergies is not a new phenomenon. It is widely used throughout the world and has been for hundreds of years.

So why is Homeopathy beneficial?

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. This treatment enables the body to heal by resetting the immune system, making it healthier and stronger.This is important because when your immune system functions properly, you no longer react to substances in a way that trigger an allergic reaction. Therefore, homeopathy provides relief from all allergy symptoms your body is experiencing. These include, but not limited to, grass and tree pollen, mold, dust mites, pet dander and even things like candida overgrowth.

Homeopathy is safe and natural. One of the greatest benefits to homeopathy is that it is safe. It is safe enough even for small children and pets without any of the side effects or risk of adverse reactions common with many traditional medications. It's affordable, made from natural substances and is FDA regulated.

Homeopathic treatments are individualized for what ails YOU. This ensures that your particular symptoms are relieved by your body restoring itself and improving your overall health. Traditional medicines treat the symptoms, many times with side effects, while homeopathic SLIT therapies treat the body to eliminate the symptoms and ailments causing them. Simply put- It helps the body to heal itself.

If you would like to learn more about homeopathy, sublingual immunotherapy, Allergena or Allergena Products click here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Allergies

It's no surprise most people eagerly anticipate the arrival of summer. But with summer's arrival comes summer allergies.

allergies summer picnic children

The days are longer, the weather is warmer and the official start of summer is quickly approaching. Summer is a time for outdoor activities, picnics, barbecues, trips to the beach or pool and vacations. With all the fun, unfortunately for some of us, comes sneezing, runny noses, itchy watery eyes, wheezing and coughing. Having summer allergies doesn't have to ruin your fun. Identifying which allergens are highest in your area or zone can help you determine how to nip your summer allergies in the bud. If you haven't specified which allergens are causing your symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. He will do a skin test checking for common allergens based on where you live- your zone.

Nationwide, the most common culprit for allergies is pollen. Specifically, tree and grass pollen affects most allergy sufferers in the spring and early summer and mold and weed pollen mid- to late summer. The types of pollen will vary from zone to zone, but they do tend to follow a consistent pattern seasonally.

Even though it is not possible to avoid pollen entirely, here are some simple ways to help you lessen your symptoms from summer allergies:

  • Use a preventative product daily - Allergena -Each product is customized to specific zones. This ensures you will get the relief YOU need to alleviate and prevent symptoms.
  • Avoid exercising outdoors when pollen count is high. These tend to be hot, dry and windy days and usually between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Wear protective clothing such as a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Not only are these things crucial to protect you from the sun's harmful rays, but they also help prevent pollen from getting on your face and in your eyes.
  • Keep windows closed and make sure fans are not positioned to blow air from outside into your home.
  • Wash your hair at night and change your clothing before getting in to bed. This way you aren't bringing allergens onto your bedding.
  • If you're allergic to mold, get a dehumidifier for your home. Mold thrives in damp and humid environments. Additionally, wearing a face mask while mowing your lawn and gardening will keep those mold spores at bay.