Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pet Allergies

A holistic approach to treat pet allergies.

Service Dog GOOSE

Just like humans, our furry friends are susceptible to allergens and environmental pollutants.

My Service Dog, GOOSE, would get spring time allergies.  Unlike humans, who produce an overabundance of mucus to wash away the pollen and mold spores, animals scratch, chew, get hot spots and lose giant patches of fur.  

GOOSE was no exception.  It’s hard to take your Service Dog into a restaurant or grocery store when they are constantly scratching and showering fur everywhere.  

We made several trips to the vets.  We used topical medications and tried dietary and lifestyle changes but he was still scratching and chewing and chewing and scratching.

Our Veterinarian talked about the old standby corticosteroids but after doing some research I wasn’t sure that was the answer.

According to the VCA Hospitals short term side effects can include:

  • ·         Increased thirst and urination
  • ·         Increased hunger
  • ·         Panting (especially dogs)
  • ·         General loss of energy
  • ·         Development or worsening of infections (especially bacterial skin infections)
  • ·         Vomiting or nausea (less common)

Long term side effects can include:

  • ·         Development of thin skin, blackheads, and a poor or thin hair coat
  • ·         Poor wound healing ability 
  • ·         Development of obesity due to increased hunger
  • ·         Muscle weakness secondary to protein catabolism (breakdown)
  • ·         Development of hard plaques or spots on the skin called calcinosis cutis. These plaques are the result of calcium deposition in the skin. 
  • ·         Increased susceptibility to opportunistic or secondary bacterial infections
  • ·         Increased susceptibility to fungal infections (especially of the nasal cavity) and
  • ·         Development of adult onset demodectic mange.
  • ·         Predisposition to diabetes mellitus

If only there was a magic pill and not just the systematic treatment options or watching your animal chew himself raw.

I began to do more research.  After all, I treat my human family with all natural remedies, why should my dog be any different.

I found Allergena for Dogs and Cats

How does Allergena work for pets? The same way it works for humans!

Allergena is a Homeopathic Immunotherapy that reduces your pet's negative reaction to allergens. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving micro doses of what your pet is allergic to so their body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. 

GOOSE is now itch free and back on his cookies – that are all natural but no longer grain-free.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pillows Allergies

What story can your Pillows tell about your Allergies

dust mite

Do you know what lives in your pillow?  A lot – in fact, I’m surprised Disney hasn’t made a movie and called it the Land Before Dust Mites.  Just think of all the sequels that movie could have produced.   Or maybe, The Great Mold Detective.  The cast list would read something like Professor Fungi, Bacteria of Baker Street and Polly Pollen. 

Let’s see just how much could be written about what inhabits your pillows.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology reported on CNN that there are thousands of foreign bodies present in your pillow and mattress, from microorganisms, to allergens, to fungus and molds and Dust Mites.  Most of these contaminants you can’t see with the naked eye and for some people there is no serious side effects.  But for the 50 million people in the United States all those contaminants can mean serious health issues.

And if you are a restless sleeper, tossing the covers about and turning from side to side will release a lot more of these pathogens than someone who sleeps soundly.   So, not are you only sending the critters, mold spores and pollen into space, now you are breathing them in as they settle back down to earth.

The micro-organisms living in our sheets can trigger everything from cold and flu to food poisoning.
We are not trying to send you screaming from the bed.  Our goal is to give you a good read with a happy ending and no cause to write a sequel. 

First, let’s talk about dust mites.  It’s not so much the dust mites but their poop that causes allergic reactions.  The best way to fight these disgusting little creatures is to regularly wash your bedding with hot water and dry on high heat.  Don’t keep extra pillows or stuffed animals on your bed.  Don’t tuck your sheets and blankets in tight, leave them lose or don’t make your bed at all. Keep the humidity down in your bedroom.  Use a damp mop or rag to wipe down any surfaces a few times a week.  Vacuum carpets and drapes several times a week.  

Fungus and mold love to grow on your pillow cases.  Change them a couple times of week more if you are a night sweater, suffer from acne or sleep in-the-nude. 

Investing in a Hepa filter can help with airborne spores and allergens.

But most important - don't forget your Allergena.

How does Allergena Dust + Mite work?

The immune system defends us against disease. When harmful substances are detected, such as dust, the immune system creates antibodies. The antibodies destroy or neutralize allergens (i.e. dust mites, mold and/or pollens) that are causing your allergic reactions. Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces your body's negative reaction to allergens. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving micro doses of what a person is allergic to so the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Allergies – and how the nose knows.

Allergies – and how the nose knows.


When you are healthy, you are not even aware of the amount of mucus your body makes every day.  It takes 2 quarts just to keep your nose and throat from drying out.  The mucus also shields your lungs from outside pollutants like cigarette smoke, dust, viruses and allergens. 

But when you are sick, it is a whole different ball game.  The mucus thickens. It becomes harder to clear and tends to stick, which is what makes us feel so miserable. It can also change color.  Green or yellow mucus is a sign that your body’s immune system is working overtime. The color comes from a type of infection-fighting white blood cell.

So, what about allergies?  They are not a virus or bacteria.  They are just microscopic things you’ve inhaled and now your immune system is all haywire and instead of 2 quarts of mucus your body is making 6.  You feel miserable, look miserable and nobody wants to be around you for fear you’re contagious.  What the heck is going on?

Your nose knows!  And it’s rhinitis – which is simply inflammation of the nose.   It’s your body’s way of flushing out all the allergens irritating the tissues lining your nose, eyes and throat.   Your body is trying to wash away the pollen, dust mite poop, mold spores, perfume scents or whatever is causing this disruption in the force like a spring rain. 

The best thing you can do is drink plenty of water to keep the rain falling.  Eat healthy and build your immune system up with a natural remedy so that you can fight the allergens and viruses that bring on the down pours.

How Do Homeopathic Allergy Remedies Work? 

Very simply. You would start either with a private practitioner for a classical remedy prescription based on a comprehensive constitutional assessment orbyou could choose an allergy remedy over the counter like Allergena which is prepared for use by region. When using combination remedies like Allergena, the process usually involves taking the remedy repeatedly over a course of weeks. For severe and long-term allergy sufferers, manufacturers recommend that you begin two weeks prior to allergy season taking 15 drops under the tongue, three times a day. Two weeks after the season has ended, they recommend reducing intake to15 drops under the tongue, twice daily. (FOR HOW LONG????) The allergy remedy, chosen properly for your region and needs, should begin to show results fairly quickly. For some extreme sufferers, a heightened allergic response may immediately ensue following administration of the product. Manufacturers and practitioners of combination homeopathic remedies assure users that the response can be expectable and that there is no reason to be alarmed. If a person experiences a headache after taking an Allergena allergy remedy, he may reduce his dose to a tolerable level (fewer drops, fewer times given over the course of the day), then slowly increase over a period of a couple of weeks. It's always advisable to read the label carefully and remember that tinctures contain alcohol.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kids and Allergies

Why are so many kids suffering from allergies?

little boy splashing through a mud puddle

40 percent of the children in the America suffer from stuffy noses, itchy, watery eyes and chronic headaches.  That is a lot of tissues and allergy meds!

Did you know that kid’s immune systems don’t fully develop until they are 7 or 8 years old?  And according to the “hygiene hypothesis”, hay fever, mold allergies and asthma are all being fueled because kids very rarely play in mud, jump through puddles or have household pets.  Plus, the continuous rounds of medications like antibiotics and allergy medications makes them weak and their immune system even weaker.

Airborne allergens seem to be one of the biggest culprits for allergies in kids. These allergens are inhaled through the nose, eyes and ears.  They are split into two types – seasonal and perennial.  Seasonal is normally spring and fall, when the wind pollinated plants are in full bloom.  On windy days it is best to keep kids inside. If your child suffers year-round, it is not so easy to avoid the allergens from pollens, dust mites, molds and other particles your child is sensitive to.

Another form of allergies or chronic respiratory illness is called allergic rhinitis.   This is a condition when your child’s immune system mistakes airborne particles as bad guys and sends out a full blown army to attack. 

Seasonal allergic rhinitis is brought about by outdoor contaminants and it is often referred to as hay fever – though hay really has nothing to do with it.  Interior allergic rhinitis is activated by allergens like dust mites, mold and animal dander.

Understanding allergies and why they affect our children can help us figure out ways to stop them before they start and/or lessen the symptoms.  No parent likes to see their child suffer.  So, every once in a while help your child build up his full immune system by letting them get dirty!

Read what ABC is saying about allergy drops and why more doctors are prescribing them for allergy treatments. 

And for all your allergy remedies visit allergena.com