Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Get Ready for the Weed Allergy Season

The Weed allergy season generally begins in the fall but getting your body ready for the fall allergies begins in the summer. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving small doses of what a person is allergic to so the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. Frequent administration of Allergena is important to build immune tolerance.  Severe and long term allergy sufferers should begin taking Allergena four to eight weeks before the allergy season at a recommended dosage of 15 drops under the tongue 3 times daily. Two weeks after the season has ended, reduce intake to 15 drops under the tongue 1 time daily. 

Allergena Texas Trees has 42 Weed Antigens:

Dock, Sour
Iodine Bush
Jerusalem Oak
Lamb`s Quarters
Marshelder, Burweed
Marshelder, Rough
Marshelder, True
Mash Elder, Narrowleaf
Mexican Tea
Mugwort, Dark-Leaved
Nettle Pollen
Palmer`s Amaranth
Pigweed, Redroot
Pigweed, Rough
Pigweed, Spiney
Plantain, English
Ragweed, False
Ragweed, Short
Ragweed, Slender
Ragweed, Southern
Ragweed, Tall
Ragweed, Western
Russian Thistle
Sagebrush, Common
Sagebrush, Green
Sagebrush, Pasture
Sagebrush, Prairie
Sorrel, Bitter Dock
Sorrel, Sheep
Sorrel, Tall Dock
Sorrel, White Dock
Sorrel, Yellow Dock
Waterhemp, Western
Wormwood, Annual

Click to Purchase or Learn More about Allergena Texas Trees

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