Saturday, November 15, 2014

Planting Trees In Texas - Texas A&M

Planting Trees is important to the health and prosperity of our planet. 

Texas is home to several organizations promoting tree populations. 

Texas Forestry Association Lists Nurseries for Seedlings

Texas A&M has a website solely focused on planting trees.
This presentation has diagrams for Planning, Knowing What to avoid and Tree Planting and Maintenance.

Texas A&M offers Planting Trees Tools

National Forests and Grasslands in Texas, sponsored by USDA.
One priority for this agency is "Soil Survey" They investigate the soil to determine which vegetation would grow best in specific counties. If residents and counties are going to spend time and money planting trees, they better be sure the soil will be able to support them.

If you are like me, you know nothing about best practices when it comes to plants. Fortunately we live in during the age of technology. We can go to YouTube and learn just about anything we need. Here is a video about planting trees by the National Gardening Association. I liked it because it not only shows how but also tells you why.

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