Monday, May 30, 2016


Allergies and hidden factors that might be making you sick!

To date, 2017 has been the worst season for allergies on record.  There are crazy amounts of pollen and ragweed in the air and now a days every family has some sort of pet or multiples of them.  So, when your itches eyes, sniffles and coughing attacks flare up it’s easy to blame your surroundings.
But are there other factors at play?  Have you been gaining weight, having trouble sleeping, experience headaches, anxiety or digestive issues? Did you know allergies could be causing all of those issues?

Leo Galland, MD, of integrative medicine, states in his new book, The Allergy Solution: The Surprising, Hidden Truth about Why You Are Sick and How to Get Well, that there is an epidemic of allergies sweeping the nation, with more than a billion people reporting symptoms.

In his book, Dr. Galland talks about allergies and genetics.  It has always been believed that allergies were genetic, but if that is the case why are so many more people suffering now than in past decades?  50 years ago there were few people with allergies.  100 years go there were hardly any.

So, why the huge increase in the last 100 years?  Researchers are starting to link factors such as the food we eat, products in our homes and outdoor pollutions to the massive allergy outbreak.

Being overloaded with allergies can certainly bring about conditions like anxiety, sleeplessness, weight gain and headaches.  Unknowingly, you may be causing your own issues.  The good news is, you can fix it!

Think of it this way…if something is undoubtedly environmental, you can either eliminate it or change it.

For a start – let’s talk about a healthy gut.

What we eat can have major effects on our body.  More and more it is becoming evident that the key to being healthy is in your gut.  Your gut helps your body get the nutrients is needs while reducing the levels of bad bacteria in your system.  A diet of sugars, processed foods and saturated fats is not going to promote a healthy gut.  In fact, it will work the opposite.
If you are not eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in fiber change it!!!  Now!!
Next – let’s clean house.

Changing your diet might not be enough to stave off those headaches and runny noses.  Your home can be a major trigger as well. 

1.       Do a mold check.  Mold is a huge factor in allergies and can make you very, very sick.  Look for leaky pipes, storm damage or leaky roofs that can let water puddle and form mold.  Keep basements and garages dry with a dehumidifier.

2.       Dust mites are another great champion of allergies.  Wash bedding, drapes, throw rugs and stuffed animals in hot water and dry on hot heat.

3.       Change your cleaning products.  If you can’t afford to “go green” there are several great homemade recipes using non-toxic ingredients or heavy perfumes.

If your allergies persist find a specialist who can test you for foods, molds, dust mites and outside  allergens.  Once you know what is causing your symptoms, changing your diet and cleaning up your house will help get your immune system back on track and your allergies under control.

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