Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Allergies

How to survive summer allergies without living in a bubble.

image of Allergen Allergy Tabs bottle

All across the country weather alerts are reporting record-breaking pollen counts.  And on top of that, there are 14 wild fires raging throughout 8 states with temperatures across the mid-west way above average. 

It’s no wonder our immune systems have become trigger happy, jumping at every little foreign body they sense.  I thought my son’s thumbs moved at lightning speed on his game controller when he played a shot’em up video but they have nothing on our immune systems power to attack and destroy.

 In fact, many individuals who have never had allergies find that they are suddenly developing them. Children seem to be the biggest sufferers.  Asthma is on the rise and no one is without a tissue or bottle of eye drops.

So, besides living in a bubble what’s an allergy sufferer to do?

Minimize the allergens in your house by keeping doors and windows closed.  Regularly clean the AC filters and duct system.  A professional air duct cleaning company can also spray an anti-allergen agent in your ducts to kill any lurking allergens or molds.  Vacuum and dust several times a week. Leave your shoes at the door so you are not tracking in pollen.  We even had friends install a simple outdoor shower so that they could wash off any allergens from their persons as well. 

Change your bedding often or at least your pillow cases.  

On days when the pollen counts are high or it is windy, stay indoors.  Allergy Tracker can help you follow the pollen counts in your area.
Hire someone to cut your grass.  When you go out don a hat and large sunglasses. Just take them off if you are going into the bank!  

Use a cold, wet wash cloth to help with irritated eyes or even a slice of cucumber can work miracles.

Keep your rain stick handy and use it often.  Nature is a wondrous cleaner.

Nature is also a great provider for natural remedies.  Meditrend has developed Seasonal Tabs, using nature’s ingredients to form this new, sublingual, chewable allergy tabs which contain antigens of over 140 different trees, weed and grasses.

So, see, you don’t have to live in a bubble, just be a little more clean, stay indoors when the pollen count is sky high and take Season Tabs!

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