Thursday, June 30, 2016

Don’t Blame your Allergies on the Cottonwood's Summer Snow

Don’t blame your allergies on the Cottonwood's summer snow from the female tree.

child holding Cottonwood white hair fluff

As the fluffy snow-white seed hairs of the Cottonwood starts to fly, covering the ground and plugging window screens and just about everything else, many people blame the trees for the on-set of their allergy symptoms.

Although the start of the sneezing, stuffy nose and watery eyes seems to coincide with “summer-time snow," it is not the offender.  Pollen counts for male cottonwoods spike several weeks before female cottonwoods cast their seed pods – and all that white hair.  The male pollen is a yellow-greenish powder that can cause a major overload on your immune systems.  By the time the females are letting their seeds fly the male’s pollen is spent. 

The sad thing about this whole affair is that the female cottonwoods get blamed for the pollen from the male trees and then people chop them down.  But in truth, female trees are great air cleaners.  So for every female tree that is cut down it makes the air around you that much more allergenic.

Fireweed is another shrub that blooms around the same time as the Cottonwood and is often wrongly accused as well.  The Fireweed's pollen is sticky and travels on the legs of honeybees.  It is not airborne.

In North America and worldwide, allergy seasons are starting sooner and lasting longer.  The pollen cycles of trees and grasses are overlapping more and more.

But don’t blame the Cottonwood’s white hair as it floats by.  In rule of thumb, if you can see the pollen it’s not the culprit causing your allergy symptoms.  It’s more of a nuisance that is clogging up your filters and screens but keeping the air free washed!

For all the trees and grasses that do cause your immune systems to go haywire don't wait to start taking Allergena's new Seasonal Allergy Tabs.  Get a jump on allergy season before your symptoms start. 

Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. The  allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. This way, the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate the allergens that previously brought on allergic reactions, and ultimately reduce allergic symptoms. 

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