Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cigarette Smoke Makes Allergies Worse

To begin cigarette smoke makes everything worse. 

I am a smoker and I can't think of one single thing cigarette smoke makes better except my cravings to smoke! I am torn, often, because I do enjoy my cigarettes but I know, for a fact, how bad they are for me. I do not smoke around my children, and I stand clear of others who are not smoking. As much as I enjoy lighting up, I am not ignorant to the many factors of why they make my life more difficult. Including, but not limited to, my allergies.
Interestingly, I had never experienced allergies until I started smoking. Aside from all the scientific evidence, when I am experiencing allergy symptoms, the cigarette smoke irritates my eyes. It also stinks, obviously, and the stench lasts on my skin, hair and clothing.
Because I am a product of upper level education, I am a stickler for the proof:

Does cigarette smoke make allergies worse?

I read 20 articles lined with "they say" and "studies show" but these article don't site their source. We all KNOW cigarettes are bad. They kill. Second hand smoke causes asthma, lung disease, cardiovascular disease and emphysema. There is hard proof of these health risks. But for allergies, the sited study shows that smoking reduced the symptoms of allergies by reducing the mast cell response to allergies while not impacting mast cells from carrying out other functions. 

Clinical & Experimental Allergy

Volume 39Issue 5pages 679–687May 2009

Conclusion Our study suggests that exposure to cigarette smoke may lead to a reduced allergic activation of mast cells without affecting their response to activation via e.g. bacterial-derived LPS.

I am in no way encouraging smoking for anyone, I don't care how bad you allergies are. If you don't already smoke, do not start. If you do smoke you already know you should stop. Just saying, study listed above reflects that cigarette smoke does not make your allergies worse.

Alternatively, if you have allergies and you want help, try Allergena Sublingual Immunotherapy Drops. There is a formula for you specific to Where you live!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cedar Fever Strikes Back

Reporting on Pollen Counts Begins: Texas Cedar Fever is in the air!

Central Texas reports that cedar pollen counts are on the rise; and it's only January. If you suffer from cedar fever, you need to start thinking about your plan. Itchy, watery eyes, sinus pain and pressure, dry cough, runny nose. 

Have you thought about Immunotherapy?

Sublingual immunotherapy drops involves putting drops of allergen extract under the tongue and then swallowing the extract. Besides its efficacy, sublingual immunotherapy is known to have a better safety profile than subcutaneous immunotherapy and one of the significant benefits of sublingual immunotherapy is also that the patient can take the treatment at home. It is thus also considered a patient-friendlier formulation than subcutaneous immunotherapy, while ensuring the same efficacy.
Allergena offers Texas Trees is Natural Allergy Relief for Texas for adults and children.
What to expect: 
You will begin drops treatment by placing drops under your tongue. The drops contain allergens for specific things per the label.  The shots provide support to the immune system to build resistance pet allergies.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Texas Ash Tree - Related Allergies

The Texas Ash Tree is a beautiful cause of Allergies

The Texas Ash Tree (also referred to as Mountain Ash) is native the counties surrounding the Dallas - Fort Worth areas and areas south of Central Texas. It is a large shade tree characterized by a superior level of drought resistance. The tree's foliage is a lush green, becoming all colors from bright yellow to deep red through the autumn months. 

Typical Allergy Symptoms caused by the Texas Ash Tree may include:

  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Itching
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Headache
  • Sinus pain
  • Breathing problems
  • Tearing eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Itchy throat
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Asthma
  • Persistent upward rubbing of nose
  • Red eyes
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
Texas Trees by Meditrend is a Sublingual Immunotherapy Product that will help reduce the allergic impact of trees and grasses. Click the photo below to view our Information Sheet:

Allergy Relief - Texas Trees Weeds & Grasses

Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Tree is Better Than Your Tree! The Long Leaf Pine

Why would you cut down one kind of tree to make room for another kind to grow? Isn't one tree as good as the next.

I'm sure there is a simple answer to this but, I don't understand why you'd cut down one kind of tree so another kind can grow. I read a story about re-populating the Long Leaf Pine from Texas to Carolina.

The answer is, not every tree is made equal. East Texas Rancher has adopted the long leaf pine efforts for the benefit of the natural habitat in Texas. Simon Winston, rancher, says this:
“What I like about them is that when they are young you can burn in them,” Winston said. “Loblolly you can’t burn in them until they are bigger.” 
Prescribed burns are a conservation practice used on longleaf pine forests. Fire reduces moisture and nutrient competition. The elimination of brush and other woody species also allows for native grasses and foraging plants to thrive. In turn, wildlife are drawn to the understory of longleaf pine forests.
“We’re getting wild plums and seeing more deer. There’s something for them to eat and for the birds to nest in,” Winston said. “Burning helps establish bluestem grasses which are good nesting habitat for turkeys and quail.”
Long Leaf Pine Forest
The Long Leaf Pine is more resistant to fire. (That's one reason) Apparently populating with this pine ensures survival of vegetation despite the occurrence of natural fires. Other hardwood trees burn quickly and take years to grow back.

These evergreen do take decades to develop which is why these forests are depleted. 200 Years ago to the present they were desirable to loggers. Developing a forest that can endure natural disasters will also provide enduring home and safety for wildlife. That's kind of the bottom line. We all know what happens when there is a shift in wildlife populations... you end up with more flies.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Texas Oil - Olive Oil

Who would have guessed Texas Oil would ever refer to Texas Olive Oil?

Olive Trees are becoming an important part of Texas Economy!

Do you associate olives to the Mediterranean Sea? I usually do. Do you know that an increasing amount of the world's olive production happens in the United States. While California is currently the leading producer, Texas represents a close and closing second.

I've listed some Texas Olive Oil Ranches:

The olive tree has been growing on our beautiful plant for thousands of years. Olive trees have been known to survive up to 1500 years but typically survive 500. This is a desert tree that can sustain decades of desolation and drought and find its way again to thrive and flourish for generations of human nourishment. 

Olives can be eaten raw, but they are quite bitter. Typically when we eat olives they have been fermented. Olive oil is another use as well as ingredients in dietary supplements and skin care products. The olive is a wonderful source of the good fat (monounsaturated fat.) 

The olive tree has always looked to me like a wise old person, with years of experiences to tell. A little creepy, but seated back waiting for company to join. 

Although is doesn't appear to be the Olive Tree is an evergreen. This said, it is another tree producing pollen contributing to allergies throughout the year. Yet another reason to seek Allergy Immunotherapy by Meditrend.
 Texas Trees by Meditrend