Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cigarette Smoke Makes Allergies Worse

To begin cigarette smoke makes everything worse. 

I am a smoker and I can't think of one single thing cigarette smoke makes better except my cravings to smoke! I am torn, often, because I do enjoy my cigarettes but I know, for a fact, how bad they are for me. I do not smoke around my children, and I stand clear of others who are not smoking. As much as I enjoy lighting up, I am not ignorant to the many factors of why they make my life more difficult. Including, but not limited to, my allergies.
Interestingly, I had never experienced allergies until I started smoking. Aside from all the scientific evidence, when I am experiencing allergy symptoms, the cigarette smoke irritates my eyes. It also stinks, obviously, and the stench lasts on my skin, hair and clothing.
Because I am a product of upper level education, I am a stickler for the proof:

Does cigarette smoke make allergies worse?

I read 20 articles lined with "they say" and "studies show" but these article don't site their source. We all KNOW cigarettes are bad. They kill. Second hand smoke causes asthma, lung disease, cardiovascular disease and emphysema. There is hard proof of these health risks. But for allergies, the sited study shows that smoking reduced the symptoms of allergies by reducing the mast cell response to allergies while not impacting mast cells from carrying out other functions. 

Clinical & Experimental Allergy

Volume 39Issue 5pages 679–687May 2009

Conclusion Our study suggests that exposure to cigarette smoke may lead to a reduced allergic activation of mast cells without affecting their response to activation via e.g. bacterial-derived LPS.

I am in no way encouraging smoking for anyone, I don't care how bad you allergies are. If you don't already smoke, do not start. If you do smoke you already know you should stop. Just saying, study listed above reflects that cigarette smoke does not make your allergies worse.

Alternatively, if you have allergies and you want help, try Allergena Sublingual Immunotherapy Drops. There is a formula for you specific to Where you live!

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