Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cedar Fever Strikes Back

Reporting on Pollen Counts Begins: Texas Cedar Fever is in the air!

Central Texas reports that cedar pollen counts are on the rise; and it's only January. If you suffer from cedar fever, you need to start thinking about your plan. Itchy, watery eyes, sinus pain and pressure, dry cough, runny nose. 

Have you thought about Immunotherapy?

Sublingual immunotherapy drops involves putting drops of allergen extract under the tongue and then swallowing the extract. Besides its efficacy, sublingual immunotherapy is known to have a better safety profile than subcutaneous immunotherapy and one of the significant benefits of sublingual immunotherapy is also that the patient can take the treatment at home. It is thus also considered a patient-friendlier formulation than subcutaneous immunotherapy, while ensuring the same efficacy.
Allergena offers Texas Trees is Natural Allergy Relief for Texas for adults and children.
What to expect: 
You will begin drops treatment by placing drops under your tongue. The drops contain allergens for specific things per the label.  The shots provide support to the immune system to build resistance pet allergies.

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