Saturday, January 3, 2015

Texas Oil - Olive Oil

Who would have guessed Texas Oil would ever refer to Texas Olive Oil?

Olive Trees are becoming an important part of Texas Economy!

Do you associate olives to the Mediterranean Sea? I usually do. Do you know that an increasing amount of the world's olive production happens in the United States. While California is currently the leading producer, Texas represents a close and closing second.

I've listed some Texas Olive Oil Ranches:

The olive tree has been growing on our beautiful plant for thousands of years. Olive trees have been known to survive up to 1500 years but typically survive 500. This is a desert tree that can sustain decades of desolation and drought and find its way again to thrive and flourish for generations of human nourishment. 

Olives can be eaten raw, but they are quite bitter. Typically when we eat olives they have been fermented. Olive oil is another use as well as ingredients in dietary supplements and skin care products. The olive is a wonderful source of the good fat (monounsaturated fat.) 

The olive tree has always looked to me like a wise old person, with years of experiences to tell. A little creepy, but seated back waiting for company to join. 

Although is doesn't appear to be the Olive Tree is an evergreen. This said, it is another tree producing pollen contributing to allergies throughout the year. Yet another reason to seek Allergy Immunotherapy by Meditrend.
 Texas Trees by Meditrend

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