Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Food Allergies and Fried Foods

Are fried foods damaging your cells and increasing food allergies?

a plate filled with fried, fatty foods and sugars

Everywhere we turn the media is reporting on the rise of food allergies.  And it’s no wonder.  According to the Australasian ­Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, one in twenty children and two out of every one hundred adults have severe food allergies.  The most common triggers are cow’s milk, eggs, tree nuts, soy, wheat and peanuts.

According to the Australasian ­Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, one in twenty children and two out of every one hundred adults have food allergies.  The most common triggers are cow’s milk, eggs, tree nuts soy, wheat and peanuts. Why?

According to Professor Pete Smith of Griffith University of Medicine, eating fast foods can set off danger signals and immune ­responses in our bodies known as alarmins.

Alarmin is a substance released from damaged tissues and cells to kick start an immune response.
When we eat processed, reconstituted, microwaved, reheated, high-heated foods loaded with sugar, our bodies can very easily mistake it for damaged tissue or what scientists are calling AGEs - Advanced Glycation Endproducts- toxic compounds.  Alarmins are released and our immune system goes to work.

Professor Smith stated that foods in their natural state are not to blame.  It’s when we cook and process them that their cellular structure becomes altered with AGEs.

Though, how can we pass up our favorite grilled bacon burger with fries, pizza with soft drinks or chips and cookies?   AGEs are wonderful at temping your taste buds.  They awaken your senses and encourage you to take one more bite, even when you feel stuffed.  

Would you eat that same food raw? Probably not.

But before you give thanks to AGEs for all the pleasure they have given you over the years, think about this – no other dietary factor has been linked to so many health problems and diseases like heart and kidney disease, diabetes, dementia, stroke, skin aging, tooth decay and arthritis.

Consider limiting processed and high cooked foods.  Only use the microwave as a last resort.  Eat foods in their natural state whenever possible and stay away from sugar!

 And get your immune system back on track!! Allergena's newSeasonal Allergy Tabs can build immunity no matter where you live or where you travel. These quick dissolving chewable tablets will help your body fight the trees, weeds and grasses that make you miserable. 

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