Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Itch

Summer Sun, Summer Fun, Summer Itch!

man and dog walking in the sunshine
With the last rays of the summer sun heading into Fall many people are doing everything they can to squeeze in last minute vacations, backyard BBQs and pool and beach time.  And there is nothing wrong with being outdoors and getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D. It’s the hot, humid weather that can cause all sorts of rashes, itches and other bothersome skin conditions. 

Though do not fear.  Summer skin breakouts aren’t serious.  They are just annoying.  Let’s talk about a few…

A common skin condition is known as folliculitis.  It is fungal infection brought about by bacteria and can leave the skin red and inflamed.  Think of it like itchy pimples.   Its main symptom are raised red bumps around your hair follicles.  Though it can develop anytime, it mostly occurs during the hot days of summer when we have sweaty skin.  Clothing like yoga pants and sport tops wont’ help this condition.  Folliculitis loves to grow in warm, tight places.  So, change out of your exercise clothes and don lose, breathable clothing.   

Heat rash is another fairly common summer skin condition and it is pretty self-explanatory.   It develops when sweat gets trapped under your skin from blocked pores.  It can flare up from spending a lot of time outside in the heat or after an intense exercise where you have been sweating buckets.

A heat rash can form blisters, lesions on the skin and/or bumps and can range from severe to mild cases.  It will typically clear up if you stay out of the heat and avoid the sun.  Wear light clothing.  You can try Calamine lotion to help reduce the itching or ice packs.

If you are a woodsy person who likes to hike and camp you will probably come in contact with poison ivy or sumac during your treks.  If you are one of the many who fall prey to the red shiny leaves make sure you know what to look for so that you can stay the heck away from the stuff.  Wear longs pants and long sleeved shirts.   Wash your clothes in hot soapy water.  Don’t ever try to burn the plants.  The poison can travel in the smoke and get into your lungs.

If you have come in contact with the plant wash the infected areas ASAP with warm soapy water.  Removing the oil from your skin may save you from developing blisters and a major itch.  Severe cases will require a doctors attention but most of the time you just have to apply a lot of itch medicine and wait it out. 

And my favorite, yeast infections, which can make our life seriously uncomfortable.  A yeast infection can occur any time during the year but like the folliculitis, the heat and humidity of summer absolutely gets those Candida Albicans worked up.  Living in wet bathing suits or workout clothes is a big no no.  Yeast thrive in damp moist places.  Keep your girly parts as dry as you can.  Cut out sugar and starch, which feeds the yeast along with foods that contain yeast.  Plus, cutting out those foods will help keep you in that bikini. 

Don’t let summer skin conditions ruin your summer fun!  Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D.  

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