Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lake Water Allergy or Swimmer’s Itch

What Is Lake Water Allergy or Swimmer’s Itch?

Lake Water Allergies

Lake water allergy, also commonly called swimmer’s itch, is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to contaminated water.  Contaminated water does not mean pollution or run-off from chemicals. The contamination comes from microscopic parasites found in birds and animals.

The parasites that live in the birds or animals produce eggs that are passed through the poo.   If the eggs land or are washed into the water they will hatch.  Are you fascinated yet???  The little larvae swim around until they find a certain snail. Once they find their host snail, they infect the snail and develop further.   The snail, unknowingly, releases this new parasite into the water which swims off in search of bigger prey like birds and animals.  And so the cycle begins.  And though the parasites prefer birds and animals, they will burrow into human skin causing, you guessed it, Lake Water Allergy, in the form of a red, itchy, rash.  

Lake water allergies can be found throughout the world and are more frequent during summer months when water temperatures are higher and birds and animals are more likely to visit the lake.

Obliviously, if you are prone to water allergies the best solution would be to avoid swimming in lakes and ponds.  Even the clearest of water can be home to unwanted parasites.

The most common symptoms are burning, tingling or itching of the skin.  These symptoms can appear within minutes or days of swimming or wading in contaminated water.  Many people also form reddish pimples all over their torso.  If not treated properly, these pimples may develop into unsightly blisters. The blisters can cause severe discomfort. 

Like any allergen, prolonged or continuous exposure to lake parasites may lead to more severe symptoms.  If you are experiencing shortness of breath, huge lesions and fever you should see a doctor immediately.

The best precaution you can take to any allergy is to buildyour immune system by eating lots and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, get plenty of rest and exercise and if you have been on antibiotics eat yogurt, Kefir or other foods rich in probiotics.   

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