Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lake Water Allergy or Swimmer’s Itch

What Is Lake Water Allergy or Swimmer’s Itch?

Lake Water Allergies

Lake water allergy, also commonly called swimmer’s itch, is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to contaminated water.  Contaminated water does not mean pollution or run-off from chemicals. The contamination comes from microscopic parasites found in birds and animals.

The parasites that live in the birds or animals produce eggs that are passed through the poo.   If the eggs land or are washed into the water they will hatch.  Are you fascinated yet???  The little larvae swim around until they find a certain snail. Once they find their host snail, they infect the snail and develop further.   The snail, unknowingly, releases this new parasite into the water which swims off in search of bigger prey like birds and animals.  And so the cycle begins.  And though the parasites prefer birds and animals, they will burrow into human skin causing, you guessed it, Lake Water Allergy, in the form of a red, itchy, rash.  

Lake water allergies can be found throughout the world and are more frequent during summer months when water temperatures are higher and birds and animals are more likely to visit the lake.

Obliviously, if you are prone to water allergies the best solution would be to avoid swimming in lakes and ponds.  Even the clearest of water can be home to unwanted parasites.

The most common symptoms are burning, tingling or itching of the skin.  These symptoms can appear within minutes or days of swimming or wading in contaminated water.  Many people also form reddish pimples all over their torso.  If not treated properly, these pimples may develop into unsightly blisters. The blisters can cause severe discomfort. 

Like any allergen, prolonged or continuous exposure to lake parasites may lead to more severe symptoms.  If you are experiencing shortness of breath, huge lesions and fever you should see a doctor immediately.

The best precaution you can take to any allergy is to buildyour immune system by eating lots and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, get plenty of rest and exercise and if you have been on antibiotics eat yogurt, Kefir or other foods rich in probiotics.   

Friday, August 12, 2016

I'm gettin' cranky feeling janky!

I'm gettin' cranky feeling janky!

An excerpt from a poem by Don Bouchard

We've come to August
And late summer sun;
The apples hang robust;
The garden's almost done.
It's time to go and have some fun,
And now my nose decides to run.
The ragweed and the goldenrod
Fill up the air with pollen pods.
I'm gettin' cranky feeling janky!
I will thank ye to hand me a hanky. 

Ragweed is related to the daisy but unlike the daisy no one wants it adorning their tables or flower beds.  It has tiny yellow-green flowers that produce huge amounts of pollen – about a million grains per plant, every single day.  It is a wind-pollinated plant growing from August to November, peaking about mid-September and dying with the first heavy frost.

However, if you suffer from ragweed allergens, you probably noticed that your symptoms are lasting longer every year than just 3 months.

This year, because of all the rain that has fallen across the country it’s expected to top all pollen records, sprouting up in fields, up and down fence lines, in vacant lots and all along the sides of the road. 

A couple of tips and precautions to follow if you are a major Ragweed sufferer:

  • ·         Mow it down before is starts shedding the pollen. 
  • ·         Stay in doors on windy days.
  • ·         Go outside in the early morning before the dew dries and wind picks up. 
  • ·         Leave your shoes at the door.
  • ·         Change your clothes and shower as soon as you come inside.
  • ·         Wash off your pet’s feet and try to keep them off the furniture and especially the bed.
  • ·         Keep doors and windows closed.
  • ·         Stay one step ahead of ragweed with AllergenaSeasonal Tabs.


Our new sublingual, chewable Allergena allergy tabs contain antigens of over 140 different trees, weed and grasses. No more zones to think about! For a complete list of antigens please download the Product Information sheet below.
Early feedback tells us they work as good, or better than our popular Allergena sublingual allergy drops.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Itch

Summer Sun, Summer Fun, Summer Itch!

man and dog walking in the sunshine
With the last rays of the summer sun heading into Fall many people are doing everything they can to squeeze in last minute vacations, backyard BBQs and pool and beach time.  And there is nothing wrong with being outdoors and getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D. It’s the hot, humid weather that can cause all sorts of rashes, itches and other bothersome skin conditions. 

Though do not fear.  Summer skin breakouts aren’t serious.  They are just annoying.  Let’s talk about a few…

A common skin condition is known as folliculitis.  It is fungal infection brought about by bacteria and can leave the skin red and inflamed.  Think of it like itchy pimples.   Its main symptom are raised red bumps around your hair follicles.  Though it can develop anytime, it mostly occurs during the hot days of summer when we have sweaty skin.  Clothing like yoga pants and sport tops wont’ help this condition.  Folliculitis loves to grow in warm, tight places.  So, change out of your exercise clothes and don lose, breathable clothing.   

Heat rash is another fairly common summer skin condition and it is pretty self-explanatory.   It develops when sweat gets trapped under your skin from blocked pores.  It can flare up from spending a lot of time outside in the heat or after an intense exercise where you have been sweating buckets.

A heat rash can form blisters, lesions on the skin and/or bumps and can range from severe to mild cases.  It will typically clear up if you stay out of the heat and avoid the sun.  Wear light clothing.  You can try Calamine lotion to help reduce the itching or ice packs.

If you are a woodsy person who likes to hike and camp you will probably come in contact with poison ivy or sumac during your treks.  If you are one of the many who fall prey to the red shiny leaves make sure you know what to look for so that you can stay the heck away from the stuff.  Wear longs pants and long sleeved shirts.   Wash your clothes in hot soapy water.  Don’t ever try to burn the plants.  The poison can travel in the smoke and get into your lungs.

If you have come in contact with the plant wash the infected areas ASAP with warm soapy water.  Removing the oil from your skin may save you from developing blisters and a major itch.  Severe cases will require a doctors attention but most of the time you just have to apply a lot of itch medicine and wait it out. 

And my favorite, yeast infections, which can make our life seriously uncomfortable.  A yeast infection can occur any time during the year but like the folliculitis, the heat and humidity of summer absolutely gets those Candida Albicans worked up.  Living in wet bathing suits or workout clothes is a big no no.  Yeast thrive in damp moist places.  Keep your girly parts as dry as you can.  Cut out sugar and starch, which feeds the yeast along with foods that contain yeast.  Plus, cutting out those foods will help keep you in that bikini. 

Don’t let summer skin conditions ruin your summer fun!  Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Food Allergies and Fried Foods

Are fried foods damaging your cells and increasing food allergies?

a plate filled with fried, fatty foods and sugars

Everywhere we turn the media is reporting on the rise of food allergies.  And it’s no wonder.  According to the Australasian ­Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, one in twenty children and two out of every one hundred adults have severe food allergies.  The most common triggers are cow’s milk, eggs, tree nuts, soy, wheat and peanuts.

According to the Australasian ­Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, one in twenty children and two out of every one hundred adults have food allergies.  The most common triggers are cow’s milk, eggs, tree nuts soy, wheat and peanuts. Why?

According to Professor Pete Smith of Griffith University of Medicine, eating fast foods can set off danger signals and immune ­responses in our bodies known as alarmins.

Alarmin is a substance released from damaged tissues and cells to kick start an immune response.
When we eat processed, reconstituted, microwaved, reheated, high-heated foods loaded with sugar, our bodies can very easily mistake it for damaged tissue or what scientists are calling AGEs - Advanced Glycation Endproducts- toxic compounds.  Alarmins are released and our immune system goes to work.

Professor Smith stated that foods in their natural state are not to blame.  It’s when we cook and process them that their cellular structure becomes altered with AGEs.

Though, how can we pass up our favorite grilled bacon burger with fries, pizza with soft drinks or chips and cookies?   AGEs are wonderful at temping your taste buds.  They awaken your senses and encourage you to take one more bite, even when you feel stuffed.  

Would you eat that same food raw? Probably not.

But before you give thanks to AGEs for all the pleasure they have given you over the years, think about this – no other dietary factor has been linked to so many health problems and diseases like heart and kidney disease, diabetes, dementia, stroke, skin aging, tooth decay and arthritis.

Consider limiting processed and high cooked foods.  Only use the microwave as a last resort.  Eat foods in their natural state whenever possible and stay away from sugar!

 And get your immune system back on track!! Allergena's newSeasonal Allergy Tabs can build immunity no matter where you live or where you travel. These quick dissolving chewable tablets will help your body fight the trees, weeds and grasses that make you miserable. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pet Allergies

A holistic approach to treat pet allergies.

Service Dog GOOSE

Just like humans, our furry friends are susceptible to allergens and environmental pollutants.

My Service Dog, GOOSE, would get spring time allergies.  Unlike humans, who produce an overabundance of mucus to wash away the pollen and mold spores, animals scratch, chew, get hot spots and lose giant patches of fur.  

GOOSE was no exception.  It’s hard to take your Service Dog into a restaurant or grocery store when they are constantly scratching and showering fur everywhere.  

We made several trips to the vets.  We used topical medications and tried dietary and lifestyle changes but he was still scratching and chewing and chewing and scratching.

Our Veterinarian talked about the old standby corticosteroids but after doing some research I wasn’t sure that was the answer.

According to the VCA Hospitals short term side effects can include:

  • ·         Increased thirst and urination
  • ·         Increased hunger
  • ·         Panting (especially dogs)
  • ·         General loss of energy
  • ·         Development or worsening of infections (especially bacterial skin infections)
  • ·         Vomiting or nausea (less common)

Long term side effects can include:

  • ·         Development of thin skin, blackheads, and a poor or thin hair coat
  • ·         Poor wound healing ability 
  • ·         Development of obesity due to increased hunger
  • ·         Muscle weakness secondary to protein catabolism (breakdown)
  • ·         Development of hard plaques or spots on the skin called calcinosis cutis. These plaques are the result of calcium deposition in the skin. 
  • ·         Increased susceptibility to opportunistic or secondary bacterial infections
  • ·         Increased susceptibility to fungal infections (especially of the nasal cavity) and
  • ·         Development of adult onset demodectic mange.
  • ·         Predisposition to diabetes mellitus

If only there was a magic pill and not just the systematic treatment options or watching your animal chew himself raw.

I began to do more research.  After all, I treat my human family with all natural remedies, why should my dog be any different.

I found Allergena for Dogs and Cats

How does Allergena work for pets? The same way it works for humans!

Allergena is a Homeopathic Immunotherapy that reduces your pet's negative reaction to allergens. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving micro doses of what your pet is allergic to so their body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. 

GOOSE is now itch free and back on his cookies – that are all natural but no longer grain-free.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pillows Allergies

What story can your Pillows tell about your Allergies

dust mite

Do you know what lives in your pillow?  A lot – in fact, I’m surprised Disney hasn’t made a movie and called it the Land Before Dust Mites.  Just think of all the sequels that movie could have produced.   Or maybe, The Great Mold Detective.  The cast list would read something like Professor Fungi, Bacteria of Baker Street and Polly Pollen. 

Let’s see just how much could be written about what inhabits your pillows.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology reported on CNN that there are thousands of foreign bodies present in your pillow and mattress, from microorganisms, to allergens, to fungus and molds and Dust Mites.  Most of these contaminants you can’t see with the naked eye and for some people there is no serious side effects.  But for the 50 million people in the United States all those contaminants can mean serious health issues.

And if you are a restless sleeper, tossing the covers about and turning from side to side will release a lot more of these pathogens than someone who sleeps soundly.   So, not are you only sending the critters, mold spores and pollen into space, now you are breathing them in as they settle back down to earth.

The micro-organisms living in our sheets can trigger everything from cold and flu to food poisoning.
We are not trying to send you screaming from the bed.  Our goal is to give you a good read with a happy ending and no cause to write a sequel. 

First, let’s talk about dust mites.  It’s not so much the dust mites but their poop that causes allergic reactions.  The best way to fight these disgusting little creatures is to regularly wash your bedding with hot water and dry on high heat.  Don’t keep extra pillows or stuffed animals on your bed.  Don’t tuck your sheets and blankets in tight, leave them lose or don’t make your bed at all. Keep the humidity down in your bedroom.  Use a damp mop or rag to wipe down any surfaces a few times a week.  Vacuum carpets and drapes several times a week.  

Fungus and mold love to grow on your pillow cases.  Change them a couple times of week more if you are a night sweater, suffer from acne or sleep in-the-nude. 

Investing in a Hepa filter can help with airborne spores and allergens.

But most important - don't forget your Allergena.

How does Allergena Dust + Mite work?

The immune system defends us against disease. When harmful substances are detected, such as dust, the immune system creates antibodies. The antibodies destroy or neutralize allergens (i.e. dust mites, mold and/or pollens) that are causing your allergic reactions. Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces your body's negative reaction to allergens. Allergena homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by giving micro doses of what a person is allergic to so the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate those allergens and reduce allergic symptoms. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Allergies – and how the nose knows.

Allergies – and how the nose knows.


When you are healthy, you are not even aware of the amount of mucus your body makes every day.  It takes 2 quarts just to keep your nose and throat from drying out.  The mucus also shields your lungs from outside pollutants like cigarette smoke, dust, viruses and allergens. 

But when you are sick, it is a whole different ball game.  The mucus thickens. It becomes harder to clear and tends to stick, which is what makes us feel so miserable. It can also change color.  Green or yellow mucus is a sign that your body’s immune system is working overtime. The color comes from a type of infection-fighting white blood cell.

So, what about allergies?  They are not a virus or bacteria.  They are just microscopic things you’ve inhaled and now your immune system is all haywire and instead of 2 quarts of mucus your body is making 6.  You feel miserable, look miserable and nobody wants to be around you for fear you’re contagious.  What the heck is going on?

Your nose knows!  And it’s rhinitis – which is simply inflammation of the nose.   It’s your body’s way of flushing out all the allergens irritating the tissues lining your nose, eyes and throat.   Your body is trying to wash away the pollen, dust mite poop, mold spores, perfume scents or whatever is causing this disruption in the force like a spring rain. 

The best thing you can do is drink plenty of water to keep the rain falling.  Eat healthy and build your immune system up with a natural remedy so that you can fight the allergens and viruses that bring on the down pours.

How Do Homeopathic Allergy Remedies Work? 

Very simply. You would start either with a private practitioner for a classical remedy prescription based on a comprehensive constitutional assessment orbyou could choose an allergy remedy over the counter like Allergena which is prepared for use by region. When using combination remedies like Allergena, the process usually involves taking the remedy repeatedly over a course of weeks. For severe and long-term allergy sufferers, manufacturers recommend that you begin two weeks prior to allergy season taking 15 drops under the tongue, three times a day. Two weeks after the season has ended, they recommend reducing intake to15 drops under the tongue, twice daily. (FOR HOW LONG????) The allergy remedy, chosen properly for your region and needs, should begin to show results fairly quickly. For some extreme sufferers, a heightened allergic response may immediately ensue following administration of the product. Manufacturers and practitioners of combination homeopathic remedies assure users that the response can be expectable and that there is no reason to be alarmed. If a person experiences a headache after taking an Allergena allergy remedy, he may reduce his dose to a tolerable level (fewer drops, fewer times given over the course of the day), then slowly increase over a period of a couple of weeks. It's always advisable to read the label carefully and remember that tinctures contain alcohol.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kids and Allergies

Why are so many kids suffering from allergies?

little boy splashing through a mud puddle

40 percent of the children in the America suffer from stuffy noses, itchy, watery eyes and chronic headaches.  That is a lot of tissues and allergy meds!

Did you know that kid’s immune systems don’t fully develop until they are 7 or 8 years old?  And according to the “hygiene hypothesis”, hay fever, mold allergies and asthma are all being fueled because kids very rarely play in mud, jump through puddles or have household pets.  Plus, the continuous rounds of medications like antibiotics and allergy medications makes them weak and their immune system even weaker.

Airborne allergens seem to be one of the biggest culprits for allergies in kids. These allergens are inhaled through the nose, eyes and ears.  They are split into two types – seasonal and perennial.  Seasonal is normally spring and fall, when the wind pollinated plants are in full bloom.  On windy days it is best to keep kids inside. If your child suffers year-round, it is not so easy to avoid the allergens from pollens, dust mites, molds and other particles your child is sensitive to.

Another form of allergies or chronic respiratory illness is called allergic rhinitis.   This is a condition when your child’s immune system mistakes airborne particles as bad guys and sends out a full blown army to attack. 

Seasonal allergic rhinitis is brought about by outdoor contaminants and it is often referred to as hay fever – though hay really has nothing to do with it.  Interior allergic rhinitis is activated by allergens like dust mites, mold and animal dander.

Understanding allergies and why they affect our children can help us figure out ways to stop them before they start and/or lessen the symptoms.  No parent likes to see their child suffer.  So, every once in a while help your child build up his full immune system by letting them get dirty!

Read what ABC is saying about allergy drops and why more doctors are prescribing them for allergy treatments. 

And for all your allergy remedies visit allergena.com

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Don’t Blame your Allergies on the Cottonwood's Summer Snow

Don’t blame your allergies on the Cottonwood's summer snow from the female tree.

child holding Cottonwood white hair fluff

As the fluffy snow-white seed hairs of the Cottonwood starts to fly, covering the ground and plugging window screens and just about everything else, many people blame the trees for the on-set of their allergy symptoms.

Although the start of the sneezing, stuffy nose and watery eyes seems to coincide with “summer-time snow," it is not the offender.  Pollen counts for male cottonwoods spike several weeks before female cottonwoods cast their seed pods – and all that white hair.  The male pollen is a yellow-greenish powder that can cause a major overload on your immune systems.  By the time the females are letting their seeds fly the male’s pollen is spent. 

The sad thing about this whole affair is that the female cottonwoods get blamed for the pollen from the male trees and then people chop them down.  But in truth, female trees are great air cleaners.  So for every female tree that is cut down it makes the air around you that much more allergenic.

Fireweed is another shrub that blooms around the same time as the Cottonwood and is often wrongly accused as well.  The Fireweed's pollen is sticky and travels on the legs of honeybees.  It is not airborne.

In North America and worldwide, allergy seasons are starting sooner and lasting longer.  The pollen cycles of trees and grasses are overlapping more and more.

But don’t blame the Cottonwood’s white hair as it floats by.  In rule of thumb, if you can see the pollen it’s not the culprit causing your allergy symptoms.  It’s more of a nuisance that is clogging up your filters and screens but keeping the air free washed!

For all the trees and grasses that do cause your immune systems to go haywire don't wait to start taking Allergena's new Seasonal Allergy Tabs.  Get a jump on allergy season before your symptoms start. 

Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. The  allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. This way, the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate the allergens that previously brought on allergic reactions, and ultimately reduce allergic symptoms. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Allergies

How to survive summer allergies without living in a bubble.

image of Allergen Allergy Tabs bottle

All across the country weather alerts are reporting record-breaking pollen counts.  And on top of that, there are 14 wild fires raging throughout 8 states with temperatures across the mid-west way above average. 

It’s no wonder our immune systems have become trigger happy, jumping at every little foreign body they sense.  I thought my son’s thumbs moved at lightning speed on his game controller when he played a shot’em up video but they have nothing on our immune systems power to attack and destroy.

 In fact, many individuals who have never had allergies find that they are suddenly developing them. Children seem to be the biggest sufferers.  Asthma is on the rise and no one is without a tissue or bottle of eye drops.

So, besides living in a bubble what’s an allergy sufferer to do?

Minimize the allergens in your house by keeping doors and windows closed.  Regularly clean the AC filters and duct system.  A professional air duct cleaning company can also spray an anti-allergen agent in your ducts to kill any lurking allergens or molds.  Vacuum and dust several times a week. Leave your shoes at the door so you are not tracking in pollen.  We even had friends install a simple outdoor shower so that they could wash off any allergens from their persons as well. 

Change your bedding often or at least your pillow cases.  

On days when the pollen counts are high or it is windy, stay indoors.  Allergy Tracker can help you follow the pollen counts in your area.
Hire someone to cut your grass.  When you go out don a hat and large sunglasses. Just take them off if you are going into the bank!  

Use a cold, wet wash cloth to help with irritated eyes or even a slice of cucumber can work miracles.

Keep your rain stick handy and use it often.  Nature is a wondrous cleaner.

Nature is also a great provider for natural remedies.  Meditrend has developed Seasonal Tabs, using nature’s ingredients to form this new, sublingual, chewable allergy tabs which contain antigens of over 140 different trees, weed and grasses.

So, see, you don’t have to live in a bubble, just be a little more clean, stay indoors when the pollen count is sky high and take Season Tabs!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Red Cedar - What is Cedar Fever?


Eastern Red Cedar, aka Red Cedar; Eastern Juniper; Red Juniper; Pencil Cedar; Aromatic Cedar; Call it whichever you wish, symptoms from this allergic reaction feel like a fever.

This beautiful tree, used often as a Christmas tree, is a terrible culprit of Cedar Fever.  Symptoms may include sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing, irritated eyes and low-grade fever. Often the you seek a remedy that reduces these symptoms but they do not reduce your allergy to Cedar. 

Allergena - Texas Trees

Allergena - Texas Trees for kids

is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. Our homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. 

 Allergena Texas Trees

Try Allergena, offering Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy in Zone 5 (Texas and Oklahoma.) Survive the holiday season without the use of heavy antihistamines and cold medications.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Red Eyes During Allergy Season

What causes red eyes during allergy season and is there hope?

Boy covering his eyes with red ball to show allergies

It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to be ambushed by pollen and mold spores once you close your front door.  It is an endless battle and why over 5 million people despise allergy season. 

Between the already pollen-laden air and lawn mowers and weed eaters blasting loathsome grass pollen and mold spores in a 360 degree arc it is no wonder our eyes glow red and swell like ripe melons.  And one has to wonder why even after drops and cold compresses our eyes continue to feel raw and packed with sand.

As with all people who have allergies, your immune system suffers from a deplorable lack of self-control.  At one point a single allergen entered your body and your immune system mistook it for evil and set off a chain of events that would eventually cause you major despair.  And now, even the tiniest particle of benign pollen can cause the apocalypse of all allergy attacks.
The attack triggers the release of histamines. As they are released into your system, they cause the tissue in your body to swell so that immune cells can enter and fight to the death all invaders.  The reason for the itchy red eyes is the immune cells don’t just enter into your body, they also leak out of your body, hence the vampire eyes.

And though turning your eyes and nose into a working faucet help flush out the pollen, it can also lead to a dreadful time outside.  Luckily, there is hope. 

Sublingual Immunotherapy is a method of allergy treatment that uses an allergen solution given under the tongue. Over time, sensitivity to allergens are reduced. In 1998 the World Health Organization concluded that Sublingual Immunotherapy was a viable alternative to the injection route and that its use in clinical practice is justified.

Allergena has developed allergy relief for where youlive.  Each formula is geographically zoned for the specific trees and grasses known to cause allergy symptoms.

Monday, May 30, 2016


Allergies and hidden factors that might be making you sick!

To date, 2017 has been the worst season for allergies on record.  There are crazy amounts of pollen and ragweed in the air and now a days every family has some sort of pet or multiples of them.  So, when your itches eyes, sniffles and coughing attacks flare up it’s easy to blame your surroundings.
But are there other factors at play?  Have you been gaining weight, having trouble sleeping, experience headaches, anxiety or digestive issues? Did you know allergies could be causing all of those issues?

Leo Galland, MD, of integrative medicine, states in his new book, The Allergy Solution: The Surprising, Hidden Truth about Why You Are Sick and How to Get Well, that there is an epidemic of allergies sweeping the nation, with more than a billion people reporting symptoms.

In his book, Dr. Galland talks about allergies and genetics.  It has always been believed that allergies were genetic, but if that is the case why are so many more people suffering now than in past decades?  50 years ago there were few people with allergies.  100 years go there were hardly any.

So, why the huge increase in the last 100 years?  Researchers are starting to link factors such as the food we eat, products in our homes and outdoor pollutions to the massive allergy outbreak.

Being overloaded with allergies can certainly bring about conditions like anxiety, sleeplessness, weight gain and headaches.  Unknowingly, you may be causing your own issues.  The good news is, you can fix it!

Think of it this way…if something is undoubtedly environmental, you can either eliminate it or change it.

For a start – let’s talk about a healthy gut.

What we eat can have major effects on our body.  More and more it is becoming evident that the key to being healthy is in your gut.  Your gut helps your body get the nutrients is needs while reducing the levels of bad bacteria in your system.  A diet of sugars, processed foods and saturated fats is not going to promote a healthy gut.  In fact, it will work the opposite.
If you are not eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in fiber change it!!!  Now!!
Next – let’s clean house.

Changing your diet might not be enough to stave off those headaches and runny noses.  Your home can be a major trigger as well. 

1.       Do a mold check.  Mold is a huge factor in allergies and can make you very, very sick.  Look for leaky pipes, storm damage or leaky roofs that can let water puddle and form mold.  Keep basements and garages dry with a dehumidifier.

2.       Dust mites are another great champion of allergies.  Wash bedding, drapes, throw rugs and stuffed animals in hot water and dry on hot heat.

3.       Change your cleaning products.  If you can’t afford to “go green” there are several great homemade recipes using non-toxic ingredients or heavy perfumes.

If your allergies persist find a specialist who can test you for foods, molds, dust mites and outside  allergens.  Once you know what is causing your symptoms, changing your diet and cleaning up your house will help get your immune system back on track and your allergies under control.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Which plants produce pollen and when? When is allergy season?

Which plants produce pollen and when in Albuquerque and hen is allergy season?
pollen chart for Albuquerque New Mexico

What this table shows

The Pollen Production table shows when different kinds of pollen are produced in Albuquerque.
  • Juniper/Cedar pollen is produced from January through April and from September through December.
  • Elm pollen is produced from January through April.
  • Ash pollen is produced from March through June.
  • Cottonwood pollen is produced from March through June.
  • Mulberry pollen is produced from April through May.
  • Chenopodiaceae pollen is produced from April through August.
  • Sage pollen is produced from May through August.
  • Grass pollen is produced from May through October.
  • Ragweed pollen is produced from August through October.
  • Albuquerque's Pollen Season lasts from March 1st through October 1st.
If you live in New Mexico and suffer allergies you probably are fighting runny noses, watery eyes and sneezing year round.  

Stop buying tissues and start taking Seasonal Allergena Tabs.  

How do the Tabs work?

The immune system defends us against disease. When harmful substances are detected, such as pollens, the immune system creates antibodies, which destroy or neutralize allergens (i.e. pollens, dust and/or mold) that cause us to have allergic reactions. However, sometimes even our immune system is not strong enough to defend against these allergens. Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. Our homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. This way, the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate the allergens that previously brought on allergic reactions, and ultimately reduce allergic symptoms. Below are a few definitions to give you a better idea of how Allergena works:

• Sublingual: Underneath the tongue. 
• Immunotherapy: Treatment to stimulate or restore the ability of the immune (defense) 
  system to fight infection and disease. Allergy shots are another form of Immunotherapy.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Allergy Medicines and Dementia

Are your allergy medicines increasing your risk of dementia?

lady sneezing from allergies to flowers

A recent study showed some allergy medicines can increase your risk for dementia.  Anticholinergic drugs are drugs that block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.  They are found in several medicines taken for asthma and allergies.  Researchers at Indiana University found that people taking medicines that contained anticholinergic drugs did worse on cognitive tests and had smaller sized brains than those who didn't take the drug.

This is not the first time a link has been established, but it is the first time that anticholinergic drugs and their ability to block the brain chemical called acetylcholine has been suspected.
See a list of drugs the researchers studied. (1)

Scientists are hoping the findings will lead to a better understanding of how this type of drug affects the brain and if it can raise the risk of dementia and/or impair thinking. 

The newest study that was published in JAMA Neurology engaged over 450 people who were all over the age of 70.  60 of them were taking at least one of the medicines listed as an anticholinergic drug.

The thinking based tests disclosed that those taking this type of drug did not test as high as those who were not taking the drugs. 

The study also revealed that anticholinergic drugs led to users' brains processing blood sugar differently in both the region of the brain that is tied to memory and Alzheimer’s and the overall brain.

Further tests showed the people who were using the drugs had larger brain cavities or ventricles and smaller brains. 

Even though the tests are not conclusive scientists are working on finding another drug to administer to elderly patience that do not have anticholinergic properties.

And though I am not elderly, I do not want to increase my risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia.  I lost my father to dementia.  It is a mean and terrible way to die.  There is no one who is left untouched when a family member suffers from a debilitating disease like that. 

If you suffer from allergies, there are several natural andhomeopathic remedies on the market.   Our moto, if it wasn’t around 500 years ago or if it is synthetic you don’t need it.  

Friday, May 6, 2016

Spring Allergies and Ligustrums

Is ligustrum triggering your Spring Allergies?


Those beautiful what flowering plants are blooming in nearly every park, yard, and hedge-fence in the South.  Japanese and Chinese ligustrum privets are increasingly spreading every summer.  You can’t escape it.

In fact, they are so prevalent that many believe it is the primary cause of spring allergies.   Allergy suffers would love to see them eradicated.  So, why are they everywhere?

Ligustrum plants can handle a wide range of weather conditions and are among the easiest small trees and shrubs to grow. Because of their undemanding nature and adaptability, they are used largely in home landscapes. People plant them as hedges, foundation plants, patio trees or in shrub borders.
But as far as ligustrum triggering your allergies – there is little to no chance.

The simple fact that you can so easily smell and see the flowers is evidence that ligustrums does not produce allergens.

Most flowering trees and shrubs are pollinated by birds or insects. That is why these plants spawn fragrant and brightly colored flowers.  They need to lure insects to carry pollen from one plant to another. The pollen from these showy plants and flowers is heavy and sticks together.  In fact, it is too heavy to be airborne. It relies on the legs of an insect to carry it.

Most allergies are caused by plants that do not produce showy flowers.  Shrubs like cypress, jasmine vine, juniper and wisteria or trees such as alder, ash (male), aspen (male), beech, birch, box elder (male), cedar (male), cottonwood (male), elm, hickory, red and silver maples (male), mulberry (male), oak, olive, palm (male), pecan, pine, poplar (male), sycamore, walnut, willow (male) are the biggest culprits for producing airborne pollen that wreak havoc on our immune systems.

Wind-pollinated plants are what trigger allergies.  Their pollen grains are small, unusually abundant, and light enough to be carried for miles on a gentle spring breeze. A very unique chemical is released when the pollen comes into contact with something wet or moist, like another plant or your nose. These chemicals are specifically designed to let the plant know that his pollen “mate” has arrived. But when they lose their way and end up in your sinuses or eyes, those same chemicals induce sneezing, running noses and headaches.  

Being that Ligustrum goes overboard on the fragrant of its flowers to draw in the busy bees and insects there is no reason to suspect it is wind-pollinated.  In fact the pollen is very heavy so even if a strong breeze kicks up the pollen would drop like a rock to the ground.

You would need to set up your lawn chair directly under the plant and lift your chin just so for the pollen to drop straight into your nose.  Then maybe, you could blame your allergies on ligustrum.

So if you want to resolve your allergies, you'd best look for less -fragrant plants and try the new Allergena Tabs.  They contain 150 allergens to help boost your immune system and help relieve some allergy symptoms.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Nanoparticles or Allergena Tabs

Nanoparticles or Allergena Tabs – the results are the same!

More and more research has linked food and seasonal allergies to our immune system’s whacky way of dealing with harmless objects, like pollen and sea food, as the enemy rather than the ally.

Scientists have been trying for decades to find a way to “calm down” the immune system.  A new trial research, using nanoparticles as infiltrators to sneak the allergens past the immune system’s defenses, is underway. So far, the studies have only been tested on mice.  And even though the results are promising, there’s a whole lot more validation to be done before it hits the markets.

The concept behind the nanoparticles is to load up the immune system with whatever allergen you want to eliminate like ragweed, peanuts or dust mites to build up the immune system to stop the allergic reaction.

The dissolvable nanoparticles are developed out of an FDA-approved polymer.  The first study was done using an egg protein that was injected into mice who were known to have egg allergies.  

Normally, the mice would developed an allergic response, but because the egg protein was smuggled inside the nanoparticles the mice no longer had an allergic reaction to the egg protein.  Their immune systems were actually stronger.

Many more tests need to be completed with mice before they move on to humans.  The goal is to test everything from season and food allergies to asthma.

But the bottom line is what Allergena has been reporting for 25 years - Treating an irritant or ailment by etymologically giving a "similar object" but in very small doses to the patient, can develop a healthy immune response, thereby being able to ward off allergic reactions.

Allergena Tabs are homeopathic tablets that build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. This way, the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate the allergens that previously brought on allergic reactions, and ultimately reduce allergic symptoms.

For more information on nanoparticles research go to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

If you don’t want to wait for the mice to be allergy free click here to order your Allergena Tabs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It’s Allergy Season

It’s allergy season – are you making your allergies worse?

It is only early spring and already pollen counts are sky high.  Researchers say it is combination of El Nino’s heavy rains and a mild winter that are causing a bigger and stronger allergy season than previous years.  

But did you know some of your daily habits could be making your allergies even worse?

Fruits like melons, tomatoes and bananas may be causing OAS or fruit- pollen syndrome.  When certain foods are eaten, the body's immune system sees and basically mistakes the plant’s protein for pollen, triggering what researchers call a cross-reaction.

If you experience any of the below symptoms after eating a fresh fruit or vegetable you might want to consider removing the food from your diet.

  • ·         Itchy or watery eyes
  • ·         Swollen or itchy lips
  • ·         A tingling in the throat
  • ·         Dryness on the roof of the mouth

Dust mites have been known to cause mild to severe allergy symptoms in adults and children.  These little pyroglyphid have been linked to asthma, itchy eyes, running nose, cough and trouble breathing.  How do you fight back?  Stop making your bed!  When you tuck in your comforter and sheets you are also tucking in the bed bugs so that they can reproduce and multiply.   Periodically, toss all bedding into a hot dryer to help kill dust mites.   

And while most of us are happy not to have to make our beds in the morning you may not be so thrilled at our next suggestion – cut out the alcohol.  Studies show that for every extra glass of alcohol you drink your allergies can increase by 3% because of the yeast content. Researchers have found that yeast and bacteria in the alcohol produce histamines. This can increase symptoms of a stuffy nose or/and itchy eyes.

If allergens affect your eyes, causing them to be red and itchy, you might want to ditch the contacts for glasses during pollen season.  The surface of contact lenses are like magnets and will accumulate airborne allergens.  Or, try disposable contacts that can be thrown away at the end of the day to avoid allergen buildup and other irritants that can aggravate already red and itchy eyes.

Now that you know what habits you need to change to keep your allergies from getting worse, learn what product you can take to alleviate allergy symptoms for where you live.   It may not be something you consider often but the geography of your home can greatly affect your health. Attack the root of the problem by selecting the allergy zone you live in and allowing us to suggest a homeopathic remedy to solve your allergy and sinus issues quickly and thoroughly.